> A central issue to this distinction between intelligence and wisdom is that in the particularist paradigm dominant in today’s culture, we think we have a very clear idea of how computation can be used for artificial intelligence, as the sensational successes of the past decade speak to, but we have no idea how or even if computation can be used for artificial wisdom.

I'd be very careful with claims of nonexistence, they are very tricky!

Not to mention: in my experience, I find ChatGPT and Goggle's Gemini to be extremely capable of wisdom, definitely far surpassing average humans, but you have to talk to them a certain way....otherwise, it's a lot like talking to a human!

Excellent post, keep on writing!!

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Very nice, and I guess I’ll add that one interesting and important feature of ‘reality’, at least ‘human reality’, is that we can be part of, or become immersed in, many ‘worlds’ (An interesting question we might ask is: what constitutes a ‘world’?, even if metaphorically) I bring this up to say that I hope to get immersed in the ‘world’ you have started here- it is difficult of course to keep track but going to do what I can, and am looking forward to it.

I like what you said about:

we will only be able to see the outline of the whole gradually, from the edge of the intersection each area provides a vantage from.

If you don’t mind me asking, what is it that you do as a ‘job’? Are you primarily a writer or do you do something else? I ask because I am drawn in by similar questions, and they take a lot of effort and energy to work through- and work can often get in the way of fully addressing some of these things.

Looking forward to getting through and following your inquiry!

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